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Секция Совета РАН по космосу

< Система Kepler-53: суперземля и два нептуна
13.09.2012 02:59 Давность: 12 yrs
Категория: Система Марса
Количество просмотров: 5694


Hadley Crater provides deep insight into martian geology European Space Agency 6 September 2012


Recently engaged in providing support to the successful landing of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory's Curiosity rover, ESA's Mars Express has now returned to its primary mission of studying the diverse geology and atmosphere of the 'Red Planet' from orbit.

Earlier this year, the spacecraft observed the 120 km wide Hadley Crater, providing a tantalising insight into the martian crust. The images show multiple subsequent impacts within the main crater wall, reaching depths of up to 2600 m below the surrounding surface.  



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геодезия (от греч. ge - Земля, diairo - делить) Космическая - спутниковая - геодезия занимается определением... [далее]

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